Approaching work when your team is remote can feel like trudging through the woods without a map. That's why we developed the Remote Works Book Blueprint, a simple, four-step process that works in any situation, from a small project to an intricate multi-team product launch. It can take a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days to complete based on the level of complexity of the task.
What is AIMA:
The All India Management Association (AIMA) is the national apex body of the management profession in India. AIMA is a not for profit, non-lobbying organisation, working closely with Industry, Government, Academia and students to further the cause of the management profession in India.
AIMA has a membership base of over 38000 members and close to 6000 corporate /institutional members, through 67 Local Management Associations affiliated to AIMA; and is represented on a number of policy making bodies of the Government of India and national associations. Learn more here.